attachment even to reason becomes unreasonable not including what reason decides is not reasonable
persons religious judge the nonreligious persons nonreligious scorn the religious both exclusivism arising from the egoic need to feel right, someone wrong, to feel reasonable, someone ignorant
one race accuses the other of racism the race accused of racism accuses the other of racism such is the egoic need to turn a true need to resolve into a cycle of accusation leading from resolution
feminism easily becomes a reaction rather than a response, this egoic reaction creating an in-group recreating the gender prejudice which inspired females rightly to respond to gender inequality and seek equality of the sexes
~ who is the wise one, being of Love, who can respond, not react who can think, not give over thinking to the collective, retaining the dignity of the sacred amid blame and aggression? ~
the sagacious being embraced by this Embrace of Love is free of being a someone or something free to be truly inclusive in Embrace ~ yet 'he' or 'she' cannot claim to be inclusive, for only spirit, or Spirit, does the including
so, when not being inclusive once this arises to attention return to the Source, to Grace to be begraced with a wider Embrace
the wise live with and among others, one with others, sharing communion more freely for living not from identification with anything, but one union with the Embrace and means of the Embrace ~ this is Love
*Brian Wilcox. 'spacious welcome'. Flickr
( C )Brian K. Wilcox, 2019